Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ok, So This Isn't a Letter...

I am having a good day. Just thought you all should know. First, I got work done. Bonus. Also, I wrote an open letter to a guy that keeps posting in the men seeking women section of CL. You can read it here. I would just like to announce that I crack me up sometimes. Lolz @ racecar bed.

Also, I saw Lost (lawst if you're from bawston). And OH EM EFFING JEE!!! I will be glued to my TV on tuesday nights. My theory is a demi-god pissing contest on spaceship island. Or it's all taking place in Hurley's crazy headspace. Whatevs.

Mini Open Letter!

Dear Boyfriend,

Today we had a textversation that went like so:

Me: What time are you getting out of work?
You: 8:30 why are you asking? Cheating?
Me: Yeah. Cheating. Or grocery shopping. They're basically the same.

I would just like to tell you that if you keep it up, I'm going to cheat on you at the grocery store so we can both be right. So knock off your shit.


Soon I will get to go home from work and pet my dogs. But not before I brave the hell that we call BJs Wholesale Club. Perverse american consumerism here I come! Pray for my safe return.


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