Friday, February 26, 2010

Dear Great China,

People might not know who you are, but I do. You make a dog toy that my dog just loves. We call it the Lobstie, as seen here:

Now, word on the street is that you're no longer making Lobstie, and I have to tell you the utter pit of panic and despair I fell into when I heard this. I ordered 10 lobsties that very same day!

I don't think Ripley can live without his Lobstie. Lobstie is the goldfish that parents buy little kids when the old goldfish dies. Lobstie was the highlight of Christmas morning. He is a constant, and I can't have Ripley's little dog-heart broken. I can't tell him the truth about Lobstie.

Please continue to make Lobstie. Forever.

H & Ripley

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